11537580969 - Cooling Water Pipe & Automotive aftermarket parts

The part number 11537580969 corresponds to a cooling water pipe for various BMW vehicles. This component is responsible for transporting coolant through the engine to maintain proper temperature regulation and prevent overheating. It's typically located in the engine bay and connects different parts of the cooling system, such as the radiator, thermostat, and engine block.

Here are some key points about the cooling water pipe:

  • Function: Helps circulate coolant to maintain engine temperature, ensuring optimal performance and avoiding damage from overheating.
  • Material: It is typically made from durable, heat-resistant materials like metal or high-quality plastic to withstand high temperatures and pressure.
  • Common Issues: Over time, the pipe may develop cracks, leaks, or corrosion, especially due to the harsh conditions in the engine. This can result in coolant loss and overheating.
  • Installation: Replacing the cooling water pipe generally requires removing certain engine components for access. It is important to use the correct part to ensure compatibility with your vehicle model.

If you're considering replacing this part, it is important to check your specific vehicle's model and production year to ensure compatibility. Replacing a damaged cooling water pipe is crucial for maintaining the cooling system's efficiency.

Detailed link: 11537580969
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